Marriage is an institution that reflects the values of the society that supports it. If the people of a society no longer believe that it is important to be married, then there is no reason why they cannot change the institution of marriage. Marriage is a custom. Customs can always be changed. We can find the same core point in this question as we have in others — the ultimate truth of the matter is that individuals can and should decide for themselves what is right. As long as they are not violating others or breaking the laws of the society in which they are living, then they are free to do what they believe is right. It is not for me or anyone else to tell them that they must get married if they want to live together. That is their choice and their choice alone.
The same analysis can be applied to homosexuality. People often ask me what I think about homosexuality. They wonder, is it right, is it wrong? The answer is, it is neither right nor wrong. It is just something that people do. If people are not harming each other, their private lives are their own business; we should be tolerant of them and not reject them.
However, it will still take some time for the world to fully accept homosexuality. All of us must learn to tolerate the behavior of others. Just as we hope to expand our minds to include all of the universe, so we should also seek to expand our minds to include all of the many forms of human behavior.
Tolerance is a form of generosity and it is a form of wisdom. There is nothing anywhere in the Dharma that should ever lead anyone to become intolerant. Our goal as Buddhists is to learn to accept all kinds of people and to help all kinds of people discover the wisdom of the teachings of Shakyamuni Buddha.作者: ssjj 时间: 2013-7-19 11:28
alma教授:看完上面的文字,静下心来,先开始回答我的问题,看您能不能回答满意?作者: ssjj 时间: 2013-7-19 13:12 本帖最后由 ssjj 于 2013-7-19 13:21 编辑
在中国的历史上,从没有一个朝代的上流阶层像魏晋时代的士人那样贴近于西方嬉皮士。大凡风流人物,其玩法都会异于俗人:饮酒、服药、行散、弹琴、吹箫、清谈加行文作诗等,嵇康的打铁、刘伶的裸形都是非俗人能及的。只可惜同样喝酒,刘伶唯酒是务,死便埋我;嵇康却道:"酒色何物?今自不辜;歌以告之,酒色令人枯。"奈何兮,一曲「广陵散」终成千古绝唱。作者: alma 时间: 2013-7-20 15:28