“The M1 blew the PWD MkII out of the water so easy...” “ I thought the PWD sounded very good but in comparison it sounded lean with a lot less body and with a defused soundstage. The M1 sounds real and with a very focus soundstage. You can pin point every instrument and voice in its own space. It just sounds a lot more analog and natural.”
“What was the change in the sound? Well, the noise floor got even lower so the sound is coming out from a totally black background, there is more air and separation between instruments and voices, the bass got deeper, faster and tighter, the midrange sounds cleaner and totally natural and the high frequencies are detailed and perfectly defined. I was surprised and very happy with the change.”
“The music that emerges is completely detailed and completely alive --- totally transparent, utterly micro-detailed and micro-dynamic, liquid and smooth as can be, vibrant, palpable and more realistic than I have ever heard before.”
他评价说Bricasti M1回放的音乐像活了一样,细节很充分,流畅顺滑,比任何他听过的都要真实。
” And finally, I was hearing music from Red Book CDs that was of VASTLY higher quality than the Meridian produces. The DAC2 was left in the dust (and has already been sold).“
“It arrived here a few days later, installed itself easily, and suddenly the SQ of the M1 became even BETTER --- in fact WAY BETTER, better timbral detail, better depth and realism, better decay and ambient details, and most of all better punch and dynamics, which was the only thing a friend who had visited had said it lacked (he likes electronic rock at 100dB!).”
他评价说后来更新了滤波器之后,Bricasti M1好了很多,尤其是动态和冲击力。
“IMHO, the Bricasti M1 is the best piece of audio electronics I have ever heard. To my ears, it produces realistic SQ and deep musical enjoyment that is at least as sweet as, and in several aspects far exceeds, any analog system I've ever heard, including the vinyl rig that now sits in my closet.” “ It's like having a prime seat in Avery Fisher Hall or the WDCH every night! Absolute top recommendation!!!”