i 兄,好的视觉效果不仅不会削弱音乐的整体氛围,反而可以加强,我个人很喜欢这种看似简单,但却能够合理运用灯光以及机械手段来营造和烘托音乐氛围,提升戏剧性刺激的制作。简约的风格有一个好处是,它不会喧宾夺主,让你的眼球摄取舞台上过多的信息量而分散精力。这种大块色彩及光影效果的感觉只会让你将注意力更多的集中在音乐上,而且它和音乐应该是相辅相成的,是互为因果的,说穿了,这就是感官和激情的盛宴,这也是瓦格纳歌剧之所以吸引人的成分之一。
This 1978 studio production of Das Rheingold, the prologue to The Ring, is the only segment of the famous Salzburg Festival/Metropolitan Opera productions, first seen in the 1960s, that made it to film. For this production Georges Wakhevitch has produced stage settings and transformations that support Karajan's concept with every possible means. Karajan's staging is in the epic style of another age, emphasizing the dignity of the gods rather than their all too human failings. With the singers, foremost among them Peter Schreier, Karajan has an ensemble that fully conforms to his intentions. The production also includes Thomas Stewart as a nobly singing Wotan alongside the grandiose Brigitte Fassbaender as Fricka, a profoundly embittered figure. 作者: 狗儿念经 时间: 2010-11-11 15:26
昨晚经DelMonaco点了一指头,scfan再来一刺激,这周又得掏DVD去了,看看能否“生擒”Stemme的碟回来不!作者: DelMonaco 时间: 2010-11-11 19:48