随想之三:爱和自由 Elaine Paige Barbara Dickson 的I know him so well (我是如此了解他)
曾在念经兄贴中发过ABBA的thank you for the music (感谢你音乐),朴实真诚的风格是我非常喜欢的,而我更喜欢的是这首I know him so well (我是如此了解他),是由ABBA乐团的Benny Andersson and Björn Ulvaeus作曲,所以虽然不是ABBA演唱,却延续了乐队一贯的风格。
“Noting is so good Nothing is so good it lasts eternally, Perfect situations must go wrong” " But in the end he needs a little bit more than me" "He needs fantasy and freedom" 这些经历风雨后的感慨辛酸而又真实。
Nothing is so good it lasts eternally, 美好事物总如昙花一现
Perfect situations must go wrong, 天赐眷侣亦有缘尽之时
But this have never yet prevented me, 然我依然如飞蛾扑火
Wanting far to much, For far too long, 期望真爱永远,海枯石烂
Looking back I could have played it differently 回首往事我愿一切重新来过
Won a few more moments who can tell, 是非曲直又有能预料
But it took time to understand men, 此可即便明了他的内心
Now at least I know, 只恨造化弄人为时已晚
I know him well,
No one in your life is with you constantly, 短暂人生无人永伴左右
No one is completely on your side, 无人可以一直相依相守
And though I'd move my world to be with him, 虽然我努力适应他的生活
Still the gap between us is too wide, 却仍难填我们分歧的鸿沟
Looking back I could have played differently, 回首往事我愿一切重新来过
Won a few more moments who can tell, 是非曲直又有能预料
But I was ever so much younger then, 现我也明了他的内心
Now at least I know, 痛悔当初年少无知
I know him well.
Wasn't he good 如此伴侣
Wasn't he fine, 如此良缘
Isn't madness he can't be mine, 如此疯狂,他竟不属于我
But in the end he needs a little bit more than me, 最后我终于明了
He needs fantasy and freedom, 我不是他的唯一
I know him so well, 他更需要幻想和自由
作者: 广陵散 时间: 2010-11-19 09:44
视频: I know him so well
电影”阿甘正传“中杜撰的lennon 和代表美国乒乓队访问中国回来后的阿甘的谈话,从阿甘对中国的描述”在中国人们从来不去教堂“ ”在中国,人们几乎没有财产”中,lennon 得出中国就是他歌中“no religion” "no posession"的国家的结论,MZD时代的中国竟然成了乌托邦的理想之国,真是一个绝妙的反讽:
Imagine there's no heaven 想象如果没有天堂
It's easy if you try 试下应该很容易做到
No hell below us 地下没有地狱
Above us only sky 头顶只有蓝天
Imagine all the people 想象所有的人
Living for today... 只为当下而活。。。
Imagine there's no countries 想象如果没有国家
It isn't hard to do 这应该也不难
Nothing to kill or die for 没有战争和杀戮
And no religion too 也没有宗教
Imagine all the people 想象所有的人
living life in peace... 都能和平相处。。。
Imagine no possessions 想象如果抛弃财产
I wonder if you can 我不知道你能否做到
No need for greed or hunger 没有贪婪和饥饿
A brotherhood of man 四海之内皆是弟兄姐妹
Imagine all the people 想象所有的人
Sharing all the world... 共同分享这个世界
You may say i'm a dreamer 他人会说我是个梦想家
But i'm not the only one 但我不会是唯一
I hope someday you'll join us 我希望他日有你加入
and the world will be as one 世界将合为一体
I don't drink coffee I take tea my dear 我不喝咖啡我喜欢饮茶
I like my toast done on the side 我喜欢面包只烤一面
And you can hear it in my accent when I talk 我的说话的口音很容易听出
I'm an Englishman in New York 我是在纽约的英国人
See me walking down Fifth Avenue 我行走在第五大街上
A walking cane here at my side 手执一根文明棍
I take it everywhere I walk 我和它寸步不离开
I’m an Englishman in New York 我是在纽约的英国人
If "manners maketh man" as someone said 谁在还遵从“君子彬彬有礼”
Then he'’ s the hero of the day 那他一定是这个时代的英雄
It takes a man to suffer ignorance and smile 你要忍受他人的无知和嘲笑
Be yourself no matter what they say 走自己的路,让别人去说吧
Modesty, propriety can lead to notoriety 谦逊和得体的礼仪会被视为虚伪恶行
You could end up as the only one 你最终会成为孤家寡人
Gentleness, sobriety are rare in this society 温柔和理智在当今寥若晨星
At night a candle's brighter than the sun 夜晚的烛光亮过灿烂的太阳
Takes more than combat gear to make a man 不是穿上战服就能成为男人
Takes more than license for a gun 也不是一纸枪支执照就能证明你有种
Confront your enemies, avoid them when you can 直面你的敌人,必要时避开他们
A gentleman will walk but never run 绅士步行永远不跑步
I’m an alien, I'm a legal alien 我是异乡人,我是合法的异乡人
I’m an Englishman in New York 我是在纽约的英国人
I’m an alien, I’m a legal alien 我是异乡人,我是合法的异乡人
I’m an Englishman in New York 我是在纽约的英国人
作者: 广陵散 时间: 2010-11-24 22:23
视频:Englishman In New York
On a warm summer's evening 在一个温暖的夏夜
on a train bound for nowhere 在即将驶向乌有乡的列车上
I met up with the gambler 我遇见一个赌徒
we were both too tired of sleep 我们都睡眼朦胧
So we took turns at staring out the window at the darkness 无聊地透过车窗望这外面的黑夜
Till boredom overtook us, and he began to speak 为了解困,他开始说话
He said, Son, I've made my life out of 他说“小子,我是见过世面的人
reading people's faces 我能从面孔读出人心
And knowing what their cards were 一看对方的眼睛
by the way they held their eyes 老子就能知道他拿的什么牌
So if you don't mind my saying, 别嫌我我罗嗦
I can see you're out of aces 看得出你还涉世未深
For a taste of your whiskey 给我来一杯
I'll give you some advice. 我来搞一搞你的路子”
So I handed him my bottle 我递给他我的酒瓶
and he drank down my last swallow 看他仰面喝光了我最后一滴酒
Then he bummed a cigarette 然后他拿出一支香烟
and asked me for a light 问我借过火
And the night got deathly quiet, 夜死一般寂静
and his face lost all expression 他面无表情地开始说话
and said, "If you're gonna play the game, boy, “如果你想玩这个游戏
ya gotta learn to play it right 你一定要了解玩的方法
You got to know when to hold 'em, 你要知道什么时候执有,
know when to fold 'em, 什么时候摊牌
Know when to walk away 什么时候离场,
and know when to run. 什么时候逃命
You never count your money 当你身在赌桌的时候
when you're sitting at the table 不要老惦记口袋里的钱,
There'll be time enough for counting 因为赌局结束的时候,
when the dealing's done 有得多时间去数它们。。。”
Now Every gambler knows that the secret to surviving “每个赌徒都知道生存之道
Is knowing what to throw away 知道什么时候该抛
and knowing what to keep 什么时候该吸
Cause every hand's a winner 这只手能使你一夜暴富
and every hand's a loser 也能使你瞬间一名不文
And the best that you can hope for 能够在安睡中死去
is to die in your sleep. 是你最好的结局”
And when he'd finished speaking, 他把话说完
he turned back towards the window , 转头向窗边
Crushed out his cigarette and faded off to sleep 熄灭了烟头沉沉睡去
And somewhere in the darkness 在黑夜的某处
the gambler has broken even , 赌徒不赚不陪
But in his final words 我从他的话语中
I found an ace that I could keep 得到了人生的真谛
作者: 广陵散 时间: 2010-12-1 15:22
Kenny Rogers: The Gambler视频:
专辑“universal mother”后附叶芝的一首短诗是我的至爱,再次引用并译出,有助于理解歌手当时的心境。
He thinks of those who have spoken evil of his beloved
Half close you eyelids, loosen your hair, 微垂你的眼睑,披散你的秀发
and dream about the great and their pride, 记起那些大人物和他们的傲慢
they have spoken against you everywhere, 他们到处说你的坏话
but weigh this song with the great and their pride 但是我用这支歌来对抗大人物和他们的傲慢
I made it out of a mouthful of air , 我用嘴和空气来对抗他们
their children's children shall say they have lied. 让他们的子孙看清他们的谎言
“大人物”和他们的“傲慢”可以轻易压制和污蔑诗人的呐喊,但只要诗人有嘴和空气,还可以用他们歌唱,最终时间会暴露“大人物”他们的谎言,虽然他们的武器仅仅是“a mouthful of air”, 这也是Sinead O’connor一直以歌声抗争的动力所在。
附歌词和译文:A Perfect Indian
A Perfect Indian is he 他是个印地安好人
Remembering him life is sweet 每当想起他,生活充满甜蜜
Like a weeping willow 他如同一棵哭泣的垂柳
His face on my pillow 把脸庞靠近我枕边
Comes to me still in my dreams 静静潜入我的美梦
And there I saw a young baby 我看见一个刚出生的宝宝
A beautiful daughter was she 美丽的她光彩照人
A face from a painting 如画的脸庞
Red cheeks and teeth aching 绯红的面颊 小小的乳牙
Her eyes like a wild Irish sea 她的双眸宛如狂野的海洋
On a table in her yellow dress 穿着黄装,她躺在桌上
For a photograph feigned happiness 因为拍照而假装快乐
Why in my life is that the only time 为何在我一生中仅有此刻
That any of you will smile at me 你们才会对我面露微笑
I'm sailing on this terrible ocean 我航行在波涛汹涌的大海
I've come for my self to retrieve 只为找回我自己
Too long have I been feeling like Lir's children 一直以来我感觉自己是个没人要的孩子
And there's only one way to be free 这世上没有我的安身之处
He's shy and he speaks quietly 他是如此羞怯从不大声说话
He's gentle and he seems to me 他对我是如此温柔
Like the elf-arrow 仿佛路边的燧石
His face worn and harrowed 他的脸沧桑又憔悴
Is he a daydreamer like me 也许这一切只是梦境
粤语赌歌多估计是离澳门这个赌徒的天堂近的缘故吧。很喜欢赌博和炒股的刺激,“玩得就是心跳”,不过要记住歌曲里的忠告“And the best that you can hope for is to die in your sleep. ”, 最重要的是保命。 作者: 狗儿念经 时间: 2010-12-3 13:52