本帖最后由 广陵散 于 2010-6-23 20:52 编辑
歌曲的原唱歌手为爱尔兰光头女歌手西尼德奥康娜(Sinead O'Connor) 专辑《the daughter of the Heaven》(译为:天国的女儿)完整版 中的第一首歌 歌曲英文原名是Daughter in the paradise 即来自天国的女儿
huamanlou 发表于 2010-6-23 17:58
很久没有听光头女星的歌了,又拿出她的“ universal mother”, 歌声还是依旧动人,极富磁力的声音仿佛要穿透夜幕.唱片末附录一首叶芝的诗,非常喜欢:
He thinks of those who have spoken evil of his beloved
Half close you eyelids, loosen your hair,
and dream about the great and their pride,
they have spoken against you everywhere,
but weigh this song with the great and their pride
I made it out of a mouthful of air ,
their children's children shall say they have lied. |