本帖最后由 广陵散 于 2010-12-1 15:24 编辑
随想之八:美式幽默:赌徒的人生哲理——肯尼罗杰斯:The Gambler (赌徒)
On a warm summer's evening 在一个温暖的夏夜
on a train bound for nowhere 在即将驶向乌有乡的列车上
I met up with the gambler 我遇见一个赌徒
we were both too tired of sleep 我们都睡眼朦胧
So we took turns at staring out the window at the darkness 无聊地透过车窗望这外面的黑夜
Till boredom overtook us, and he began to speak 为了解困,他开始说话
He said, Son, I've made my life out of 他说“小子,我是见过世面的人
reading people's faces 我能从面孔读出人心
And knowing what their cards were 一看对方的眼睛
by the way they held their eyes 老子就能知道他拿的什么牌
So if you don't mind my saying, 别嫌我我罗嗦
I can see you're out of aces 看得出你还涉世未深
For a taste of your whiskey 给我来一杯
I'll give you some advice. 我来搞一搞你的路子”
So I handed him my bottle 我递给他我的酒瓶
and he drank down my last swallow 看他仰面喝光了我最后一滴酒
Then he bummed a cigarette 然后他拿出一支香烟
and asked me for a light 问我借过火
And the night got deathly quiet, 夜死一般寂静
and his face lost all expression 他面无表情地开始说话
and said, "If you're gonna play the game, boy, “如果你想玩这个游戏
ya gotta learn to play it right 你一定要了解玩的方法
You got to know when to hold 'em, 你要知道什么时候执有,
know when to fold 'em, 什么时候摊牌
Know when to walk away 什么时候离场,
and know when to run. 什么时候逃命
You never count your money 当你身在赌桌的时候
when you're sitting at the table 不要老惦记口袋里的钱,
There'll be time enough for counting 因为赌局结束的时候,
when the dealing's done 有得多时间去数它们。。。”
Now Every gambler knows that the secret to surviving “每个赌徒都知道生存之道
Is knowing what to throw away 知道什么时候该抛
and knowing what to keep 什么时候该吸
Cause every hand's a winner 这只手能使你一夜暴富
and every hand's a loser 也能使你瞬间一名不文
And the best that you can hope for 能够在安睡中死去
is to die in your sleep. 是你最好的结局”
And when he'd finished speaking, 他把话说完
he turned back towards the window , 转头向窗边
Crushed out his cigarette and faded off to sleep 熄灭了烟头沉沉睡去
And somewhere in the darkness 在黑夜的某处
the gambler has broken even , 赌徒不赚不陪
But in his final words 我从他的话语中
I found an ace that I could keep 得到了人生的真谛