本帖最后由 阿明 于 2016-4-10 14:11 编辑
3、在音箱到达一定素质、声音平衡后,任何一个元件的改变都对声音有着巨大的影响。前些天我把箱内接线柱连接到低音喇叭负极的单条0.5米长的杂牌换成和正极相同的cardas黄金比例线,声音一下子变得流畅了,多了很多水分,原先有些杂乱的乐章也变化好听了很多多。声音变化之大让我以为换个了音箱。这次将低音电感L1011从原先的solen七芯电感和Jensen 12AWG铜箔电感串联的换成Mundrof 10AWG 大铜箔,声音变化更是脱胎换骨,声音变得厚暖、从容、大气、富有弹性自不必说,早在预计之中。没想到的是换上Mundrof 铜箔后,整个声音转换成为金黄色的暖调,带着酥甜、芬芳气息,就象是最顶级的电子管机器,但又没有任何的糊和乱,稳定性和条理性也极好,好听极了。我不知道是不是因为Mundrof 铜箔无氧铜、高纯度铜的原因,还是Mundrof有着独家制作密技。可以说Mundrof 铜箔电感和它家的银油电容声音走向完全不同。
4.要极度重视旁路元件对声音的影响。比如在低音电路中,我将RC旁路电路中的R1021从Mundrof 绿皮电阻换成它家的金银高保真电阻,声音的提升也是巨大的。另外,对于RLC陷波电路,一般认为可以用低档元件,但我将RLC回路中的C1051电容从Jantzen 兰皮电容换成Jantzen 红皮电容或M-cap EVo OIL电容,声音改变都是巨大的。高音旁路元件也一样。我曾将高音的RC回路中的C2071小电容(低于1UF)从jantzen 银箔电容换成jantzen 红皮电容,声音的清晰度、质感都有明显的降低,要知道这个Jantzen银箔小电容只比红皮电容贵了几元钱,就在解晰力上有明显的改善。所以经过几年的折腾,反复对比之后,确实很难回头使用低档的元件。
5.各种元件都有它的特性,如何组合使用是门学问。从性价比方面考虑,现在基本上不再使用太贵的元件了,比如,每个电容都有它的优缺点,如M-cap evo oil 在中频质感表现较好,适合vocal(人声和乐器)的还原,但略有点砂砾感,透明度方面也有点暗,而Jantzen superior Z-cap 流畅好、中低频量感多,但全都使用它又可能会太滑溜了,所以我一般会采用几种电容组合使用的方案,以实现全频段的良好还原。
最近看到一款杜兰Duelund CAST-Cu-Ag Hybrid Loudspeaker Capacitor分频器专用电容,也是采用了在制作时就将主电容(铜箔电容)上直接并一个银箔小电容的组合方案,国外玩家给了它15分的最高评价。莫非俺的认识水平也和杜兰一样高了?
Technical specifications (according to manufacturer): "Inside the Duelund CAST hybrid silver-copper capacitor there are two capacitors: a main copper foil capacitor that is bypassed by a small silver capacitor. They are both potted together. The lead-outs are intertwined from both the pure copper foil capacitor & the pure silver bypass capacitor hidden within the CAST potting. Premium VSF-CAST speaker capacitor; pure copper / silver; handmade in Denmark."
Sound: The CAST copper silver hybrid capacitor is very similar to the pure copper version but with added top end openness. The hybrid is same as the CAST-Cu in regards to having an extremely neutral tonal balance with very life like harmonics, especially audible with acoustic instruments but things ssem a little clearer, more "there". For example, William Lawes' "Consort Sets in Five & Six Parts" (performed by Jordi Savall with Hesperion XXI) is known for it's rich and structured nature, with the Duelund CAST-Cu-Ag Hybrid this layered form of music becomes more obvious, more tangible than with the pure copper version. It seems like the silver content makes the top end "shine" a little more, making it easier to differentiate between all the rich harmonic overtones this type of music is well known for. In direct comparison to a Mundorf Supreme EVO Silver Gold Oil they sound darker but that is only relative because the Mundorf focusses on the top end with (to my ears) a little too much energy. The Duelund CAST-Cu-Ag Hybrid simply sounds so much more like real music to me, more intimate as well. The Duelund copper silver hybrid has a natural ease, is just about tonally perfect, spatious, smooth and open at the same time. Comparing it with the lower cost Duelunds such as the Rs-Cu, the RS seems a little "calmer" and less well defined in the top octave. Now, I did find rating this capacitor to be a little difficult because one could be inclined to say that the Duelund CAST-Cu-Ag Hybrid must be "at least 2 points better" than the Duelund CAST-Cu, especially after having such great results with Duelund's seperate 0,01uF pure silver bypass capacitors. I would be more inclined to say that if you have a system that is performing extremely well, tonally well balanced, coherent and musical and you want to get some more "life" out of it, the Duelund CAST-Cu-Ag Hybrid is the only way to go. As from now I will be supplying the Plutone loudspeaker with this capacitor as an optional extra. That prooves just how good it is. You won't be dissapointed :-)